Bose Eye Microsurgery & Laser Cntre Pvt. Ltd.

  • Facilities
  • Cornea, Cataract & Refractive Service

Cornea, Cataract & Refractive Service

Cataract is the most common cause of blindness worldwide. But, it is completely curable. Cataract is not a disease, but a physiological age related change in the eye. Senile form of cataract usually occurs over age 55 years. But, pre-senile cataract can also occur in younger individuals due to several reasons.

The only treatment for cataract is Surgery. Medicines or glasses do not work well. Cataract surgery has become very advanced over the last few decades. Currently, cataract is operated using Phacoemulsification technique, that involves micro-incision, painless surgery, done under anaestheticeyedrops (no injections needed). Also, recovery is quick in most cases, thus eliminating the need for hospital admissions, bed rest and too many restrictions of activities.

Lens implant

Lens implant is placed inside the eye during the surgery itself. Various lens implants are available catering to the needs of the patient:

  • Monofocal lens implant: If patient requires sharp and clear vision for distance.
  • Multifocal lens implant: If patient is a reader and computer user, and is dependent on near vision for most of the day.
  • Toric lens implant: If the patient has significant Corneal Astigmatism, i.e., cylindrical power.

For Assistance Call

At Bose Eye Microsurgery & Laser Cntre Pvt. Ltd. we are always ready to serve you better with latest technology in very affordable pricing.

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